First of all the internet of things is new technology to Lebanon and broadlink product make available to any user in Lebanon because it is affordable and user-friendly also broaldink is a stand-alone device which works on WiFi and can control it through the internet in Lebanon or globally.
Furthermore, BroadLink products for Home automation are one of the best brands of home automation globally, therefore It is very affordable, flexible, and up to date. All the products work from the same application and through the internet. The application gives plenty of control and options from setting timers, monitor power consumption, History logs, product interaction through IFTTT and now Broadlink is officially compatible with Amazon Echo “Alexa AI” and believe it is not over, you can set trigger action, scenario and more.
Since It is very effective therefore the Power problem in Lebanon do not create an issue for broadlink product because they are built with an internal memory and battery which will save the WiFi and configuration credential and will reconnect automatically when the power is back on.
As a result, Broadlink products varies from smart plug, power strip, Thermostat, power switch, security alarm, security sensors, IR control, power metering, and light switch and hopefully more is on the way.
Broadlink started this production 3 years ago and the most important is the constant R&D, where many generations of the same models have been released with better features and quality and the constant firmware and app development for a better interface,m communication, and control.
below the products model names:- RM-pro (RF and IR communicator)
- RM-mini (IR communicator)
- Sp3 (16 amp smart plug)
- Sp3s (16 amp smart plug with power meter)
- SC1 (10 amp smart power switch)
- MP1 (10 amp smart power strip)
- S1 (security kit)
- S2 (security kit) Siren update
- A1 (thermostat)
- TC2 (smart light switch)
- We Promise a great quality and power consumption control.
- We also provide phone and electronic support such guidance and problem solving or information.
- most noteworthy Make a refund request by opening a dispute or a ticket if your product malfunctioned